Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Every Loving Thought

Every loving thought: 

it's pretty simple, easy even, and yet even at this point it's still difficult to remember - A Course in Miracles very succinctly tells me that every loving thought is true and that everything else is an appeal for help and healing, regardless of the form it takes. 

that's it.

the entirety of my forgiving path. 

I am here only to love.

to be kind.

this, of course, is only difficult to practice from the ego's perspective, as it perceives every confrontation as a personal challenge to be overcome by force. But true power comes from gentleness, and the ability to love myself and through every interaction provides an unshakable invulnerability in the face of everything that appears as an attack. To transform these events into an opportunity to witness my own true power of surrender, instantly letting go of even the slightest need to attack - it's indeed a gift, a holy instant, and I am blessed with these moments of practice.   

so my practice:

every loving thought is true.

anything else....

is a simply a reminder.


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Aftereffect

Also, please visit to buy: 52 Ways to Live A Course in Miracles

Thank you. 

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