Saturday, May 25, 2024

Yoga of Coffee Making

Yoga of coffee making: 

a few weeks ago I wrote about updating my morning ritual with a coffee maker, of finally leaping into the world of brewed coffee, being easier, and perhaps better tasting as well. The current news is that this is not to be - with no fault due to the coffee maker at all, it just wasn't meant for my morning routine. The idea was that it would allow a more seamless flow to my yoga practice, as before I would break for a moment to put water on to boil, instant coffee, organic, and it requires some mindfulness to prepare. It wasn't that the easy action of turning on the stove distracted me, but I thought that perhaps I could devote even that small bit of extra time to my practice, deepening my commitment. 

here's what I discovered...

it's all yoga.

my entire ritual of morning, 

and that nothing is separate from my practice, there's a yoga of coffee making and it fits seamlessly into my asanas, requiring me to hold whatever mindfulness and poise developed on the mat to every other position of my life. There are no real distractions, only possibilities of attention, and that I can always bring the quality of my practice to any moment, my entire morning being yoga.

what I found is that I missed the yoga of coffee making, the entirety of the experience, adding teaspoons of instant coffee to my ancient mug, the whistle of the teapot calling for my attention, and the aromatic steam that greeted me as I poured. This doesn't need to be updated, only appreciated for everything that it offers - mindfulness, grace, and poise - being the same as any asana.

so I'm back to instant coffee, 

yoga in essence.

and enjoying the taste of my practice right now. 


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: No Small Gift

Also, please visit to buy: The Coffee Bean

Thank you. 

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