Saturday, May 11, 2024

It's Ours

It's ours: 

my morning walks have become something to share, a unique expression offered through my camera lens, filmed for a nature short that's shown on my YouTube channel. Just several months ago I wouldn't have thought that I'd enjoy this, or even wish to share this sacred time with others. But holding a camera has brought a different perspective to me, an expensiveness really, showing me that this particular view, whatever it is I'm filming at the moment and discovered through my own curiosity and patience, is meant for others to discover as well. 

these walks don't belong to me alone.

the entire universe is involved.

this is actually truly humbling to consider, for all of us really, knowing that we each have to be in perfect arrangement to capture what is shown right now. For me, this brings me in as a participant, convincing me that I'm not merely an observer to what unfolds, but that I belong to the scenery as well, part of the integral order of things, implicit, and that even though I might be alone in filming, everyone else belongs here too, the entire universe conspiring for this exact moment to appear. 

so there's little choice but to share it.

whatever is seen, any small and new discovery, 

doesn't belong to me alone.

it's ours.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: An Important Insight on Perspective 

Also, please visit to buy; Aum 

Thank you. 

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