Thursday, May 16, 2024

Rhizomatic Path of Yoga

Rhizomatic path of yoga: 

yoga asks for only a little faith, just enough to cause a stir of hope that we could live a more fulfilling life, an easier way to navigate through an often troubled world. What's amazing is that it's an rhizomatic path, that we may enter at any one point of its eight-fold structure and later emerge in the exact place we need to be in order to reach that fulfillment. It's a path of true connection, at least if we stick with it, perhaps believing that we're simply focusing on a healthy body, stretching and becoming limber, and yet the reality is that we're opening to a more subtle energy, life altering, and that this will lead us to the next step along the way - whatever that might be. 

yoga, at it's best, is spontaneous in its flow.

and that's how it was for me, circular really, entering the rhizomatic path of yoga as a curious child, teaching myself postures from a book and only glancing at the ethics and breathing methods that were offered. A few years later it was meditation and one-pointed focus that captured my attention. My life became centered on my inner-world, breathing techniques and asanas were employed to deepen my concentration, allowing me to sit for longer periods of time. 

eventually, rhizomatically, I eventually found myself at the very beginning of the path, discovering how the principles of an ethical life not only lead to a greater sense of fulfillment, but also increases my capacity to follow the entirety of yoga. 

this is just how the path of yoga has unfolded for me. 

a lifetime of practice.

there's no wrong way, rhizomatically, we'll all enter at a certain point that calls to us the most, perhaps with a focus on asanas and breathing, or we wish to gain the peace that's offered through the means of meditation. It doesn't matter, not really, as a rhizomatic pattern is one where every point is open-ended, connected to the very next we need to be - and that is where our faith places in, just a little, to know that right now, at whatever point we find ourselves...

it's connected to the entirety of yoga.




Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Softest of Awakenings

Also, please visit to buy: The Flowering Wand 

Thank you. 

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