Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Silence, and a Smile

Silence, and a smile: 

a few days ago I was asked a curios question that's still playing through my mind, with new answers even now arriving as my thoughts expands long after it was initially posed. Those are the most important questions it seems, not being able to settle on a particular answer but having it as an inquiry that has us considering the infinite possibilities of the mysteries involved. There really are no answers to such opened ended questions, that's the nature of any inquiry, how we're always expanding through the profound implications of simply asking - and letting go of any need to really know an answer. 

and the question itself was fairly straight forward to consider - asking if I were able to communicate with my 25 year old self, is there any advice that I would offer, or message to deliver. Of course my mind immediately sought wisdom, what have I learned through the last several decades that might possibly make life any easier, or more successful. Reflecting more deeply, I began to dismiss every bit of advice I might give myself, no amount of information would enhance my life any further than it is right now, and there's little comfort in knowing what the future holds, even if it might seem brighter than where we are at this present moment. Why would I deny myself any of the experiences that have brought me here? They would only be replaced by other events, different tragedies, there would still be loss and sorrow, as well as all the joys and success that life delivers.

Here's what I would offer my former youthful self...


and a smile.

knowing that one day - 

he'll begin to understand this mystery. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: My Soul Expands 

Also, please visit to buy: Wisdom of the Ages 

Thank you. 

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