Monday, May 13, 2024



what I love most about yoga is the honesty of its path, that I'm not asked to believe anything on faith alone but to explore what each step offers and see if it holds true for me. After spending my formative years in a religious school and taught that I must believe certain things (and disbelieve other things without question) only because it was written in a book long ago, or an authority figure told me it was so. Yoga provided a path that wasn't meant for me blindly follow, no, it was to be tested all along the way. 

decades later from that first step on the path of yoga...

and it remains the same. 

everything is tested to see if it still holds true. 

and life provides me with the answers.

mainly, it's the psychology of yoga that's tested, specifically the kleshas, or the five causes of suffering that I'm so often asked to examine. And it's not a teacher or guru that has me considering these principles, it's my own life giving cause for me to investigate the nature of my suffering. The kleshas don't make any demands for me to change anything, there's no denying any experience, nor measuring its validity. What's asked is that I bring a situation, beliefs and opinions, or even a mere thought to the light of awareness and simply see if it remains true through the lens of my inquiry. 

that's all. 

yoga is the path of mindful inquiry. 

it's to be tested.

all along the way,


Peace Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Beavers Have Returned

Also, please visit to buy: The Kleshas 

Thank you.

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