Friday, May 17, 2024



sunrise is earliest of the year now, growing earlier still for another few weeks before the trend reverses in its order. So I have just a little time to bask within this morning light, capturing moments of its subtle beauty with a photograph or two, but mostly, simply appreciative for the warmer reach of sun and the opportunity to be witness to the dawn. 

of course this happens all through the year, sunrise is never absent.

but seeking solitude, a more quiet time in nature, my morning walks are usually cloaked in the dark, with only the briefest stretch through a certain time of year do I actually find myself in early light. So this is a cherished time of year for me, and I greet the sunrise as a participant, feeling as if the months of walking in the dark have prepared for this show of morning colors and a brighter world. 

and then slowly,

 the curve of time again begins to offer darkness. 

and it feels like the morning light has readied for this as well, that fully charged by the display of dawn it's now time to retreat to the trend of nature and continue walking through the coming seasons, whatever it is they might hold for me each morning.

yet, from the briefest stretch of earliest dawn...

I carry this light within. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Rhizomatic Path of Yoga

Also, please visit to buy: Waking Up to The Dark

Thank you. 

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