Thursday, May 9, 2024

Immediately Yoga

Immediately yoga: 

my day is almost immediately yoga, right from my initial smile of greeting a new morning, thankful for having awakened, I am then sitting in sukhasana, an easy pose for breathwork and meditation and the first asana of my practice. This is a gentle pose, a slight stretch of knees and hips while lengthening the spine for the rise of morning energy. Often, I feel like I could sit in this asana forever, as if Lord Shiva in full lotus, deep in meditation as the day begins to unfold around me. 

of course it's usually for only 30 minutes, and towards the end my knees are just then reminding me of age and a lifetime of many miles behind them. But I love this posture and how it's a reminder that my day is almost immediately yoga, an asana of instant transformation from a sleep-filled mind to the awakening of a brand new day. 

it's an asana of promise. 

an easy pose.

yet the posture itself is less important than the intent that urges me to sit in meditation - and with this in mind even the edge of my bed will do, or a straight back chair for greater comfort. There's no magical posture for awakening, although, yes, sukhasana certainly holds an energetic spell on me. But honestly, I think it's that initial smile that plays across my lips that is the true essence of yoga, it signifies a grateful shift from darkness to the morning light. This smile is the essence of yoga, most truly my first asana of the day, an easy pose too, spontaneous, and arriving instantly to my lips each morning.




Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Silence, and a Smile

Also, please visit to buy: Morning Yoga, Evening Yoga

Thank you. 

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