Monday, February 12, 2024

Through the Quality of its Vibration

Through the quality of its vibration: 

with mantra meditation, the misconception is one of force and concentration, that we cling to a certain word in order to still the mind completely. Yet really, this is the opposite of what we're doing here, it's not even the objective that we're after. The mantra is introduced gently and easily, a thought form without meaning that works solely through the quality of its vibration. 

there's no force of will involved.

no need for concentration. 

we're not seeking to control the mind.

truly, our only goal is to leave the mind alone, allowing it to run its course of thoughts however it will each session. It simply isn't our concern. What we do is introduce the mantra, always with ease, never any force involved, and it doesn't matter if we quickly overwhelmed with thought, we just return to the mantra once more, innocently, as if we've never offered it to the mind before. 

eventually, the mind begins to quiet.

completely on its own.

and we observe this as it happens.

until even the witness is gone.

only silence found.

but again, we don't seek this as an end result of meditation, and the mantra isn't endlessly repeated until this occurs. It's all too gentle of a process, more of a revelation really, through the quality of its vibration, the mantra simply brings us home. 

always gently and easily.

every time. 


Peace, Eric 

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