Friday, February 16, 2024



is it possible to write about politics without making anyone wrong? At best we're a politically divided country and really, and at worse maybe even a cold civil war that could possibly turn heated through the course of this election year. It seems easy enough to simply shout someone down for voicing their opinion and then label them as our enemy. It's more difficult to offer kindness, a sympathetic ear to a voice and view that is so different than our own. I'm guilty of this, although I attempt to be mindful of my habit of opinion. So what I hope for now is dialog on a deeper level, speaking from my heart to yours, bypassing political views to forge a meaningful connection. 

is it possible at all?

I really don't know. 

I'm reminded of a story of the Dali Lama when he was asked to share the complexities and meaning of his religion and his was reply was telling, saying simply and with heartfelt sincerity, that his religion is kindness. That's it, an over two thousand year old tradition reduced to just a few words and yet packed with the greatest significance. 

so for me,

my politics is kindness. 

this isn't naive at all, although it's often stated so by some - kindness is a powerful force that doesn't seek to overcome anyone else's views. It's patient, understanding that we often have to take the long view in order for the world to change. Yet at the same time, it offers an immediate relief to the reverent issues at hand. The solution is always to be kind. Of course this could mean to take a hard stance in support of certain views and policies, being kind isn't for the weak, it takes great courage to stand by our convictions without being swayed to offer meanness in return. 

it takes practice. 

yet there is nothing but time between us.

a chance for us to listen.

softening our views for the sake of understanding.

and to simply be kind to one another.


getting better through the course of time.


Peace, Eric 

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