Friday, February 9, 2024

Meeting Point

Meeting point: 

there are names for these areas I have in mind, labels of science that offer a description, technical to the specific places place that they're found. What I'm thinking of is the point of entrance from a stream or river to a larger body of water, a mouth if it's flowing into the ocean, or estuary for when it's a lake or pond. There are other terms as well for some of these localities, being dependent upon the conditions that are formed by the meeting of these waters. 

each place is magical in its way. 

I spend sometime everyday in such places, small areas where my local streams merge into my neighborhood ponds, observing the appearance of how one thing, water, creates itself anew as something larger than its previous version. For me, this becomes a meditation, with my thoughts following the stream on its journey, tumbling towards a meeting point where it eventual turns calm, settled into a larger existence as a pond. Everything plays a role here, vital to the landscape that they belong to, and even their merger creates a special environment that provides a home many plants and creatures. 

these are magical places, obvious in the metaphor they provide,how everything belongs in sacred order without need of interference. There is a meeting point to all things, or at least the appearance of this being so, and that I am a product of this action, a stream of particles that has somehow settled into a specific body, an identity of a personal existence. 


yet in reality, I'm simply a meting point of ever smaller things, a confluence of events appearing briefly as a settled form. My true identity seems to be motion as well as stillness, stream and pond, river and an infinite ocean of existence. What I am is beyond description, something that can't be named nor ever truly told...but I know it when I'm immersed in nature.

a meeting point of every possibility. 

happening right now. 


Peace, Eric 

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