Sunday, February 11, 2024

Longer Pause

Longer pause: 

sometimes inspiration takes a softer tone, less obvious in its arrival, and words seem more reflective of this moment, almost hesitant in my approach to writing. For me, this is when writing becomes most artful, working through a longer pause between phrases, with often a single word being found most valuable of all in its arrangement on the page. I've learned to trust silence, minimizing my demands, detaching from the process of writing, reminding myself that I'm a participant here.

not entirely the source of its creation. 

but simply part of its arrival. 

helping words to reach the page,

humble in my position, 

there's a great amount of joy to this writing, a relief really, accepting my role and not fooling myself with the belief of my importance. Yes, I am essential, but no more so than any other tool at my disposal, and in this sense I see my own invaluable contribution to something so much larger than myself. I play a critical role in inspiration, vital to a unique expression, yet an instrument non the less. My true talent is in making myself available, being fully prepared for inspirations arrival, and willing to put my own demands aside and listen to the silence found between each word.

that's when writing becomes most artful. 

through that longer pause...

where mystery is revealed. 


Peace, Eric 


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