Thursday, February 22, 2024

Astronomical Celebration

Astronomical celebration: 

we're approaching spring, it's the last week of February and meteorological seasons start on the first of their particular month - a point of celebration for me as I patiently wait out the colder days of winter. Of course there's no guarantee that the cold won't linger, no season is precise in it's arrival and there's no safe predictions on what weather lies ahead. 

still, a meteorological season's change is good enough for me. 

a reason to celebrate spring's return. 

even if it snows again.

yet I also love the astronomical change of seasons, allowing myself to be guided by the stars and their unique position in the sky. Maybe it's a primordial holdover from an ancestral celebration, primitive, with an urge to dance around a blazing fire and thank the heavens for spring's arrival. In my heart, my cells really, I love that primitive urge, reminding me that I'm not so distantly removed from either earth or stars, with both calling me t rejoin their ancient dance. 

and one day I will. 

truly being an astronomical celebration. 

so it seems my mind celebrates the first of March, a logical conclusion to winter's long stay, and yes, my body appreciates any touch of warmth. An early spring return is certainly better in this regard, a meteorological celebration of warmer days ahead. But the stars position themselves in a deeper way than the logic of my mind or body - they urge my cells to dance around a ceremonial fire, to regain a spiritual sense of a season's passing and to remember myself as something larger than either mind or body. It's an astronomical celebration, pulling to our blood and bones, urging us to leap and twist to some ancient celestial song played only for the soul.

we dance for a season's ending. 

as well for another's return. 

an astronomical celebration of life.

ever changing in its nature. 


Peace, Eric  

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