Tuesday, February 20, 2024

No Ascension Needed

No ascension needed:

yoga is reality based, or in essence it is, and anything that removes us from this isn't truly yoga but a derivative of its practice. Every aspect of an honest approach to yoga is set to remind us of where we are right now, thick in the often discomforts of life, yet with aspirations of lessening the degree of which we suffer from these hardships. We're not promised anything that isn't centered in the reality of this world - only that our effort pays off in the immediacy of our practice. 

right here, now.

no ascension needed.

this begins with the foundation of yoga, the ethical aspects of practice, the Yamas and Niyamas that place our focus on our behavior. These aren't commandants ordering us to live a certain way to achieve a place in heaven, and they're not a magical formula set to transform us in a supernatural way. No, they're mere suggestions based upon an honest assessment of how we think and what believe and how these keep us trapped within a state of mind that leads to a high degree of suffering. 

they're reality based.

and this is always where we return to. 

each present moment.

exactly where we are. 

the entire path of yoga unfolds from here, based on breath and body, working with what's present and not dreaming of any other reality than what's dealt with each moment. But yoga also shows us that there's more to reality than meets the present eyes, it deals with subtle energies that we begin to realize as our practice deepens. Yet we don't ascend to another level, we're always firmly planted in the reality of the moment, deepening our joy and comfort in the body, easing our minds through the suffering brought by our aversions and attachments of an ever changing life course. Yoga is simply dealing with the the issues of our lives in a kind and compassion way. 

each present moment.

no ascension needed.


Peace, Eric 

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