Monday, February 5, 2024

Continuous Loop

Continuous loops: 

it seems the past few years have been a series of setbacks and healing, continuous loops in way, as one issues begins to heal another appears and calls for my immediate attention. I have been extremely fortunate that these are concerns I'm able to deal with - some with the help of professional healers,others with the aid of friends, while many have been largely handled through my own care. It's good to have a community at hand, people who are trained to offer just the right attention, friends who reach out to give comfort and relief. As well, it's of equal importance to know that we possess the innate ability to heal ourselves, a vast resource of natural aid from which we can always draw from. 

yet healing often takes so many forms.

with some being unfamiliar.

for me, the true healing hasn't been overcoming obstacles, or putting any health issues aside. Although both of these have happen and for that I am eternally grateful. My greatest healing has been simply recognizing these continuous loops of distress and ease, discomfort and relief, suffering and the realization that life carries on through every cycle, eventually emerging to a new beginning. 

continuous loops for certain. 

there's a profound healing here, a deep comfort, and it's just knowing that life is always okay, meaning that, yes, sometimes it's quite difficult, but that every continuous loops brings us to a starting point, and that it's always right now, always this moment,...

always available. 

our healing is right here. 

 in the midst this continuous loop.

accepting what is present.


Peace, Eric 

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