Thursday, February 15, 2024

Left Unmade

Left unmade:

the best places, my favorite, are left unmade, just nature being left alone to develop as woods or field without our interference. There's little of these areas left now, at least in my home town, and I suspect over much of the world now. Although I know there are still vast tracts of land that have yet to be altered by our hands, I suspect we've changed their natural course of growth through pollution and quality of water that supports them. But at least that haven't been remade to fit a particular image that we have, manicured, or trimmed to the point of no longer being truly wild.

the best places are left unmade.

or allowed to return that way. 

I live in the area I grew up in, familiar territory, with memories of childhood superimposed over the areas I roam. What I often notices are small tracts of land that once retained a wild edge amidst a suburban landscape and are now fitted to a particular design, or given a purpose that only seems to fit a tamer image that we have in mind. It's as if we're afraid of losing the slightest amount of control, that every inch of land most have a purpose to serve that pleases only our concerns. Very little is left unmade anymore, everything must fit our need of profit and merit, their worth being judged by what they offer us in terms of property value and design. 

our best wild places are manicured to the point of being tamed.

belonging to our purpose. 

no longer allowed to simply be a slim site of land left wild.

everything's remade to fit an image we have in mind. 

but a few places still exist, even in my suburban neighborhood there are slight stretches of land that are somehow left alone, unmade, as if we recognize the need for something truly wild and beyond our reach to remain.  This may only be a slight patch of land left undeveloped, no reason given, and none are needed, innately we know the value of untouched nature. 

that somethings are better left unmade.

and these...

are our best places of all. 


Peace, Eric 

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