Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Easiest Thing

It's the easiest thing: 

it's not that I'm a seeker, nor was I ever really, everything has always felt way too natural in its place, as if I were meant to be practicing yoga, or being deep in meditation. The difference, I think, is energy, that seeking involves an almost frantic search for answers or to reach a certain state of attainment. It's an important quest for many, devoting their lives towards what they consider to be a higher purpose. I think perhaps I'm too lazy to be a spiritual seeker, there's never been a high energy directed to this pursuit, and maybe I've been fortunate in this regard - 

I'm simply drawn towards these certain things.

happily so.

and my life has been given to their practice.

really, I feel more like an explorer, that I have an entire life of interior adventures reflected in the outer world. By this I mean seamless, no split between material world and things seen as spiritual. It's all reality, perfectly available to be explored, right now, here, and without any cause to seek it. This is why I fell in love with the Headless Way of Douglas Harding, it's the lazy persons way towards awakening, simply point to this ever present reality - and then live our lives exploring what's been found. 

it's the easiest thing to do. 

so I'm a lazy, headless yogi, practicing the things I love for no other reason than I'm drawn to them, devoted to my own enjoyment. None of the things I do hold an ultimate answer to any spiritual question, they're just expressions of reality, meant to be enjoyed for their experience alone. 

it's the easiest thing for me to do. 


Peace, Eric 

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