Tuesday, February 6, 2024

New Arrivals

New arrivals: 

I love new arrivals, last year brought cormorants and green herons to my local pond, never having seen either of them here before, as well, there was even a bear traveling through the neighborhood on its way to a wilder and more permanent home. All of these visitors thrilled me, knowing that my little pond could be host for these amazing creatures, offering them a slice of wilderness in a suburban setting - it makes me love my hometown even more than ever.

this year, as early as it is, and already there are beavers that have made their way here from several miles away, new arrivals after decades of absence. There were signs that they might be here, gnawed trees left as sharpened points, logs dragged across portions of the stream that feeds the pond. I was hopeful, but not yet convinced until I finally saw one slip into the waters edge with hardly a splash, sliding past me with such amazing grace. I haven't seen another yet, but I hear them often on my earliest morning walks, a tail slapped against the water and some chattering in the distance. 

it's enough for me to know they're nearby. 

and then yesterday, another new arrival, Hooded mergansers have made their way here, maybe briefly in the course of their travel, or perhaps establishing a home. They're such a beautiful addition to the pond life, cutting a graceful course through the water, their crest offering a striking contrast to the mallards and geese that live here. I welcome these visitors, new arrivals, and hope they make this pond their home. But yes, it's enough that they stopped even briefly for a visit, providing me a glimpse of a wilderness never seen here before. 

truly, what these new arrivals show me is just a hint of a greater reality, that my home is really larger than my local world, vast and ever expanding. I am grateful for every visitor, sharing this message, teaching me to see and welcome the new possibilities that each day might offer. It's only February, spring is drawing near, and already I'm eager what other new arrivals might appear. Yet, honestly, my local world has already expanded, and it's enough that the Hooded mergansers are here. 

for however long they stay. 


Peace, Eric 

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