Thursday, February 8, 2024

Soft Return

Soft return:

what I most love is the soft return of mantra, how initially my mind might be crowded with thought and that with each easy repetition of its vibration there arrives a settled silence, natural, without any striving to reach this point of stillness. It happens on its own, being more a revelation of what's already present than a true arrival - the mantra simple brings me to back to the reality of a quiet mind, always here just beneath every thought that's passing. 

in it's soft return...the mantra reminds me that I'm home.

exactly what I am.

and than there are those moments when thoughts seem to emerge from an extended stay of silence, noticed through their subtle entrance and just before the mind latches hold to the currents of their motion. It's the soft return of mantra that eases me back to stillness, not forcing thoughts away, but only offering the mind a vibrational option, a thought without any meaning other than a quality of silence. 

it's here, that I discover the true art of mantra...

a soft return to silence.

by simply letting go. 


Peace, Eric 

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