Friday, February 14, 2025

Unhealed Healers

Unhealed healers: 

it should become apparent to us, clearly so by now, that we're unable to forgive, it's simply not our ego's function and we've given it this mistaken task. This might be hard to admit as we like to pride ourselves on our forgiving nature - and yet so often we're still left wounded, a lingering hurt, carried over through the years. 

we're unhealed healers. 

unable to mend ourselves or others.

but the only mistake here is in choosing the wrong healer. We've asked ourselves to perform a task we're unsuitable for and then cause even more friction within ourselves. The ego isn't meant to forgive, it's a mistake identity that has gain too much traction through our minds. It does serve a useful function though, pointing out all what's been left unhealed and how they will continuously resurface in so many hurtful ways. That's the ego's job, pointing out distinctions, showing us a world of division that's in desperate need of mending.

we're incapable of healing.

yet there is a healer within us all.

and that's the Holy Spirit, our true guide and teacher. Forgiveness is not the ego's function and that's actually glorious news. We're not ego. That's what the Holy spirit continuously whispers to us from within, giving us real identity in its quiet voice of love. Our role, our one and only job, is to turn everything over to that which always heals, forgiveness being the Holy Spirits very nature. So we're really not asked to do very much at all - to just recognize the right teacher, the aspect of ourselves that's always ready to forgive, instantly and surely. 

and with that...

we're healed. 

everything's forgiven. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Remembering

Also, please visit to buy: The Miracle of Real Forgiveness

Thank you. 

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