Sunday, February 23, 2025



it could be said that I'm mostly selfish in how I live my life, concerned with feeling truly good and free of all grievances and resentments. I don't want to be caught up in the ancient wounds of a past life, to not carry over all of my previous complaints that weigh my present moment down. My main purpose is forgiveness, surrendering anything that's ever hurt me and allowing love to guide me. 

selfish in the intent to be free of all my former troubles.

experiencing only love right now.

and yet not really selfish, once established in love there is little trace of a self anymore, not in a true sense, although it still certainly makes its presence known. What's different here is lightness, it's an identity shift away from the heaviness of an ego dominated existence and more towards a joyful life that holds my previous themes more lightly. There's a happiness present that's simply less concerned with the experiences of ego -

a more self-less life.



and with an expanding sense of love. 


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: To The Quiet Mind

Also, please visit to buy: Meditation for Modern Madness

Thank you.

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