Monday, February 24, 2025

To Ask

To ask: 

all it takes is a miracle, and as the Course reminds us, miracles are natural and it's when they don't happen that we know something has gone wrong. As well, there's no order of difficulties here, no degrees of asking, a miracle is given through the sincerity of our request. 

and yet it always seems we wait so long to ask.

allowing ourselves to suffer way longer than we should. 

a miracles, as offered by A Course in Miracles, is simply a change of perception, a shift away from the grievances held and fully to the grace of forgiveness. It's the easiest thing to ask for, not even a cry for help, but more of a gentle reach for comfort - and it's never denied. We have to remember to ask though, to just remember that it's possible to be released from our suffering. 

we will be guided.

all it takes is for a little willingness...

that's it.

be willing to ask for help.

open to a direction.

and then surrender to the answer of forgiveness.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Selfish

Also, please visit to buy: Meditation for Modern Madness

Thank you. 

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