A continuous undoing;
my only true practice is forgiveness. Everything else just helps settles the mind into an easier place that allows for this to happen. There's a reason, many actually, that keeps forgiveness as a continuous practice for me - and mainly it's due to my own insistence on making the illusions of the past so real, bringing them fresh to mind every time they thought-tug within me. But this has become a much more joyful process for me me now, more of an undoing of a self-created and pain-filled world.
indeed, forgiveness is a great forgetting.
what forgiveness is, at least as offered through A Course in Miracles, is a refusal to make the past real. It reminds me, as often as needed, that in this moment, the only time that truly exists, forgiveness isn't even truly needed - only love is real, and nothing exists beyond this. It took me a very long time to accept this as my mind clung to every single past resentment, making false idols of those who seemed to hurt me, and thus keeping past situations present right through the innocence of each new moment. It was a shame really, I could have just as easily rested in a peaceful heart and mind.
but of course I didn't know that.
as a practice though, a continuous undoing of a thought-created world - I am able to remind myself that what I thought was ever done to me by another, never truly happened. As the Course says, forgiveness doesn't pardon sins and make them real. It sees no sin at all.
and thus,
everything's forgiven.
there's nothing in this present moment to remember.
as only love is ever found.
Peace, Eric
To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Attack Thoughts
Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles
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