Sunday, February 2, 2025

Lesson 33

Lesson 33

it often feels as if a single lesson contains the entirety of the Course, that if properly understood, deeply so, just one lesson would be enough. This probably true, as really, this isn't new information at all, but rather a revelation of what we's always known about ourselves. Lesson 33 from the workbook of A Course in Miracles tells us that there's another way of looking at the world. Imagine, everything witnessed right now could be reevaluated and seen through the lens of love.


we could see ourselves another way.

but of course we don't know that's even possible, it seems beyond us, or perhaps requiring such great effort that we're too intimidated to even try. It only takes a shift though, more of a letting go than anything else., surrendering to a greater field of vision than our own limited view. Lesson 33 asks for just a little bit of faith, a willingness to believe such of shift is possible. 

and that something better might exists.

we're only asked to try.


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Listening

Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles Made Practical

Thank you. 

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