Thursday, February 13, 2025



the miracle is my defense, asking for the right mind to be shown to me and trusting in the gentleness of its protection. At any moment I can ask for this, and it's so easy when things align my way. Yet in difficult times the urge remains to counter-attack, offering up the ego's plan for my salvation. Of course it doesn't work, never has in the past and remains just as ineffectual now. 

asking for a miracle, a shift in perception...

and forgiveness becomes possible. 

but first I have to ask for that miracle, reminding myself of the folly of the ego - and have a little willingness to let go of any resentments. I love how a near lifetime of practice comes rushing to the moment I remind myself of this, that I have all the tools of miracles at my disposal, and with simply asking for a miracle I place myself directly in the care of Holy Spirit. 

it's the easiest thing to do.

as long as I remember.

and that's really the only practice needed - just a little willingness to see every attack not as a justification to prove myself worthy of defense, but that my safety lies only through forgiveness. What's important here is availability, and forgiveness is always present, forthcoming the instant it's requested. So really, it's not even about remembering...

only how long I'm willing to suffer,

before the miracle of forgiveness is requested. 


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Our Reply 

Also, please visit to buy: The Miracle of Forgiveness 

Thank you. 

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