Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Attack Thoughts

Attack thoughts: 

how easy it is to turn towards attack thoughts, being the strange foundation we've forced our life upon, as it seems that every relationship is negotiable in our minds. That's the nature of what A Course in Miracles calls special relationships, certain people and circumstances that are elevated in our esteem before just as quickly they turn poison in a shift of thinking. 

there's no real love here,

only bargaining.

somehow we've come to believe that attack thoughts, in whatever form they might take, will keep us safe and well protected from our vulnerability. But the very nature of any special relationship is to eventually crumble and what's left is only the rubble of opinion, a shifting focus from what we once adored to how miserable we feel now. 

it's also a lost opportunity. 

every relationship, no matter it's status, is an opportunity to learn forgiveness. Everyone is fighting their own battle, all of us, those attack thoughts turned against ourselves and seeking to be healed. We've invested great hope in the promise of another, believing that this one person, finally, is the long held salvation we've so disparately longed for. 

at least until the promise seems broken.

but the truth is that we've used these relations as props for ego.

self-aggrandizing through our projection.

and eventually 

they'll always fail.

the real promise here, in every relationship, is forgiveness. 

we can forgive ourselves towards a holy moment.

two people who turns consistently, continuously, 

towards the light of self-recognition. 

we see the truth beneath the internal battle we've all been fighting, looking past, and indeed, forgetting the past hurt we believe they may have caused. It's in this light that we see others, ourselves as well, as being blameless. It's this same light, holy, that sets them free. No one is responsible for the cause of our attack. It's a self-made prison composed of our thoughts. 

we can just as easily let them go.  

and through forgiveness, 

every relationship once made special...

is now seen in holy light. 


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Our True Thoughts

Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles

Thank you. 

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