Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Our Reply

Our reply: 

how easy it is to fall back into the habit of critiquing others, an energy of subtle significance which traps us again into listening to ego. Yoga psychology would call this Samskara, an emotional pattern imprinted through the mind by long and frequent use. A Course in Miracles simply calls it another voice of ego and reminds us that we have a choice - to relinquish our own ego that recognizing only the need to correct others, an outward focus on form alone,

or simply view others through the eyes of love.

and once more asking the Holy Spirit to be our guide. 

it's a clear choice, ego is always concerned with the outer form of every complaint, how it takes shape as the appearance of another. While the Holy Spirit doesn't recognize form at all, asking only that we turn within and make a gentle correction to the content that we offer to the world. This is about radical honestly and self-recognition, that our projections are giving rise to everything seen and heard, and that our role isn't to critique others, it's not to offer complaints about the world...but to only and always recognize our projections for what they truly are - 

a heart-felt plea for healing.

and our reply to this, 

is love.


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Early Lessons

Also, please visit to buy: A Complaint Free World

Thank you. 

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