Wednesday, March 20, 2024



certain asana have a way of recapturing my attention, sometimes after months or even years of being absent from my practice. Just as often there are poses that have once played a significant role in my routine but for various reasons have been given less focus as my concentration turns towards another posture that calls to me right now. It's not that they're neglected, just more a shift of priorities as my energy is concentrated on another task at hand. This is how is is with Virabhadrasana I and II, warrior series, powerful standing poses that build strength and stamina, activating the root chakra to ground me to the reality of my practice. 

these asanas are named after the ancient warrior Virabhadra, who was created by Lord Shiva from a lock of his hair after the tragic loss of his wife. Virabhadra was put through a series of trails in order to bring about a transformation before he was set lose to avenge Shiva's loss, and the series of warrior poses is said to represent how Virabhadra was transformed into a fierce avenger. For me, they were once a mainstay in my practice through my years in distance running, a perfect strength routine that also kept my hips loose and mobile, opening my spine in an upward stretch, and developed a high degree of concentration. They're important postures for any yogi, from warrior to distant runner. 

or even for simply healing.

and that's mainly what I hope for in any asana these days, a flow towards healing an injured back as well as an emotional balm through some troubled times. Warrior series, both one and two, offers me an energetic stance, a firm posture that roots me to the earth while also causing me to reach in a hopeful stretch towards the sky. I love the shift between Virabhadrasana I and II, seamless, a continuous flow of energy that shows me a deep connection through every pose, that my practice is meant to be a demonstration of my courage and commitment to everything that life delivers. 

that I'm a warrior too...

even as I'm healing. 


Peace, Eric 

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