Saturday, March 30, 2024

Just Talking to Myself

Just talking to myself:

so I've been talking a lot lately, twice daily actually on my YouTube channel, and surprisingly, I've grown to enjoy and appreciate the artfulness of these conversations. Very often I'm just talking to myself, no audience present, putting forth my thoughts and views on yoga and meditation, other related topics as well. I make it clear that I'm not a teacher, I'm not offering insights or pointers to anyone at all. I'm just talking to myself, even when people show up and join the conversation it's still only about the art of weaving words together in an energetic flow of ideas.

anyone watching,


adding to this in their own artful way.

this started with sharing my workouts within a like minded community, a limited audience of those who mainly practiced calisthenics. This probably could have been enough, a few friends with a passion for fitness, working with the energy of the body, and encouraging each other to stay with their commitment. But somewhere along the way I found myself offering a bit more, discussing the ideas that were important to me, opening up the discussion to include the details of my life that I found were most meaningful. That's when I discovered that this is art, a stream of conscious process put on view for others to watch and join if they wished too, playing with silence and a dance of words spaced through. 

of course art is subjective. 

so really, 

I'm just talking to myself. 

the art of self-dialog...

and seeing where it goes. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: So Many Years Ago 

Also, please visit to buy: Altruism 

Thank you. 

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