Friday, March 22, 2024

Spring is Here

Spring is here: 

so far, it's been a rather cold, wet spring, not a season much different from the previous days of winter. Of course it's early, just a few days in, and there's no rush towards warmth and sunlight. Everything unfolds through a design intended by nature, not by my agenda, and it's always wise to be mindful of this pace, easing into each season according to its plan. 

it's enough that spring is here. 

and I do see it's rhythm, a slow growth of plants and some trees in early bud. Dogwoods are already offering their full bloom, one of the first signs that a true spring is here. I love their brilliant white. the optimism of their show, as if assuring me that winter's touch is far behind us now. As well, there's a greater stir of animals on my morning walks, there's a feel for what's on the way, an energy of new arrivals and the continuation of life. 

spring is here.

no mater what the weather shows. 

and even as I add an extra layer to keep warm on my earliest walk, rain gear on, barely managing to face the dark and gloom of another cold and wet morning...

that's enough for me to know. 

Peace, Eric 

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