Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A Blessing of Bluebirds

A blessing of bluebirds: 

there's recently been a blessing of bluebirds in my neighbor after what seems a very long absence, years having gone by with only a rare appearance. I see them almost daily now, a joyful splash of blue against the still stark branches left by winter. At one point there was concern for the bluebird population, their range having been reduced by as much as 70% due to competition with house sparrows and starlings, both species having been introduced to the area and wrecking havoc on many native songbirds. It seems they have recovered nicely, once again offering their beautiful song and vibrant color. 

a blessing of bluebirds indeed. 

these songbirds have long been considered a symbol of happiness, their coloring inspiring song, poems and prose throughout the ages. Many indigenous tribes of the Eastern United States believed that the bluebird could ward off the worse of winter, the beauty of its song causing the spirit of cold weather to retreat and usher in the warmth of spring. Across the world they're a symbol of hope, that happier days will be returning soon and that this lovely bird inspires the courage to have faith. 

for so many of us the bluebird is a spirit animal, a guide that sees us through some darker days. Even more so now with their return from such a steep decline, showing us the rebound of nature if given the proper concern and care. Their absence from the world would truly be tragic, a symbol of hope forever gone, felt throughout the fabric of nature all the way to the essence of our soul. The message that bluebirds offer me is that hope comes with equal action, that it's not enough to care unless I offer my commitment to the world, to all who suffer and despair. 

that my heart contains a blessing of bluebirds as well...

and this is what I offer to the world. 


Peace, Eric 


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