Sunday, March 10, 2024



feeling slightly thrown off course this morning, daylight savings time has just begun and my internal clock hasn't yet adjusted. Mainly this is due to my phone not calibrating to the switch of hours, I woke up quiet a bit past my usual time of preference. Now there's an urge to hurry, to make the morning fir my schedule and rush to make each minute meet my demands. These are holdover feelings from my more hectic younger years, when I was on the go even if I had no specific place I really had to be. Internally, I was busier then, my mind and body racing to get somewhere that they considered special, much more important than wherever I found myself that moment. 

I've slowed down quite a bit since then. 

happily so. 

it's not that I don't have priorities or preferences still, I certainly do, and I love following a schedule for my day even if it's less important now. My day seems to flow better when it follows a laid out plan, my health, both emotional and physical respond with an ease and grace to the things I commit to daily. Yet to rush to get any of this accomplished would defeat the point of all I do, and I'm better served to keep relaxed and simply allow the day to unfold without making my demands. 

allowing the busyness of my mind to settle.

and just go about my day.

even as I feel a bit behind. 

the truth is, these days, everything feels quite spontaneous, events arriving on their own without the need for me to make anything happen, and leaving just as easily with little interference from my end. This is so even with my scheduled plan of action, there's a magical feel to it all, as if the very thing I've most desired has suddenly appeared and invited my participation. 

magical indeed.

I've mostly let go of my busyness, or maybe I should say that it's been surrendered on its own. None of this was planned, yet it's exactly as it is, and there's no need for me to hurry. 

the very nest thing, whatever it might be...

will simply happen. 


Peace, Eric 

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