Wednesday, March 6, 2024

In Early Spring Rain

In Early spring rain: 

it's been a rainy season so far,  being the first week of March and what's considered the meteorological start of spring. Tradition holds that this month comes in harsh and leaves winter in it's wake, leading us to the more pleasant days of April. But I find that I don't mind this cold rain, especially on my earliest morning walks, with so few daring to make it outside beyond a quick dash to their car for their commute to work - the world along the wooded paths of my neighborhood are completely mind. 

solitary excursions in early spring rain. 

it's a gift from nature.

this winter has been quiet different for me, there's been a lightness in regard to the weather that I've never experienced before, as if a long held mood since childhood has suddenly been lifted and I'm completely free of its hold. Of course my preference is still towards the warmer days of late spring and summer, but it seems that I've grown into some lighter nature, accepting just what the day brings without descending into darkness. Why and how this has happened I cannot truly say, perhaps a near lifetime of yoga and meditation practice has altered my response in some neurological way, by brain producing just the right hormones now to keep me even keeled. Or it could be age and a growing sense that everyday is, and has always been, a gift from nature, each one to be cherished in its own way. 

what I find is that I love my solitary excursions in early spring rain, drops that hold just a touch of an icy feel, gust of wind that chill past every layer of clothes and that it's these conditions that grant me this occasion. I think at a certain point in life, for some maybe sooner than my middle years, our appreciation deepens past the points of personal preference and we discover the gift of everyday, no matter what it offers. Or maybe more truly, for exactly what it's giving. 

perhaps the only thing that's really changed...

is my willingness to receive. 


Peace, Eric 

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