Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A Yogic Lifestyle

A yogic lifestyle: 

my days are mostly filled with meditation, breathwork and easy asana practice, writing, and walking in nature. It's a quiet life, simple, exactly what I wish for right now. I'm fortunate that I inherited a house and have just a little bit in savings and that I'm working hard to ensure that I can maintain this way of living through efforts of my own creative energy. I'm not sure if it's possible - but I'm trying. For me, this is an ideal path, it's a yogic lifestyle, and by that I simply mean it's full of curiosity and commitment to what life brings to me here, without need or desire to chase things without true value. 

a yogic lifestyle is a path of inner simplicity. 

by no means is this is prescription for others, I've no wish to tell others how to live their lives, nor direct them as to what their own values should be. But I do believe that many of these practices, meditation, breathwork, time in nature, as well as small commitment to a creative endeavor would add a great deal of joy and healthy benefits to people's lives. I'm often asked if I teach yoga, and while I am a meditation teacher, a certified breathwork coach, as well as a yoga instructor, my answer is no. I just write and talk about my life, sharing my own yogic lifestyle that would be very different than all others. 

it's what only works for me. 

my unique circumstances. 

and my strong desire for a path of inner simplicity. 

there's another path for each of you.

and my hope is that it provides you the same amount of joy that life is offering me right now. A yogic lifestyle is really living life within the perimeters of values yoga offers, again being a commitment to health, drawn towards an exploration of who we truly are, and living in a compassionate manner towards others. It doesn't really matter if we do a single asana or sit in meditation - 

but only that we find joy,

and that it overflows naturally and easily to the world. 


Peace, Eric 

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