Friday, March 29, 2024

So Many Years

So many years: 

it's been many years to get here, this point now where I've come to embrace the empty space of page and and mind as I arrive to write each morning. There used to be long moments of dread if I approached the my writing task with no clear idea to inspire me, faced with a taunting screen that dared me for a single word to begin the creative process and so often nothing came to mind. 

my great realization was that nothing needed to be written. 

that I'm not really the author of any words.

and that I can be comfortable just sitting in silence.

until inspiration finds me on its own.

I don't know why it took me so many years to get here, or why this change of comfort has occurred - maybe it's the effect of decades of my meditation finally reaching me in patience. Or that I'm older and no longer in a rush to accomplish any morning tasks, allowing the day to unfold at its own pace and without my interference. Probably all of this as well as so many years of writing, my experience of waiting for words each morning and discovering a great comfort in simply letting go and allowing the page to remain empty for however long its meant to be, surrendering my own agenda for the joy of trust and patience. Inspiration will always reach me with an urge to write, words appear when they're ready to be given to the page. 

that's the truth of writing, that I'm not the author but merely a transcriber, an intermediary between the ultimate creative source and the finished product of this current inspiration. With that in mind it's an easy process of waiting until my role is called for, nothing for me to do but sip my coffee and enjoy the silence of the morning. 

after so many years...

it's nice to finally be here.

exactly where inspiration has always been found. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Just Enough 

Also, please visit to buy: Awareness 

Thank you. 

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