Monday, March 25, 2024



an inward pose, body pulled tight against itself, constricted in a sense and yet freeing just the same - this is Garudasana, eagle pose, and it's at once awkward and graceful in my performance. For sometime now this posture has been missing from my practice as I heal from a lingering back issue. But now, reintroduced, and I'm learning once again how demanding this pose is, requiring a high degree of strength and concentration, flexibility of body and mind, and no mall amount of grace to hold its finish for several flowing breaths. 

right now, it's my most energetic point of practice. 

a mindfulness through every aspect. 

and I'm happy for its return.

not really named for an eagle, Garudasana is actually a mythical bird in the yogic tradition, called the king of birds whose flight carried Lord Vishnu through the sky without the need to ever rest or land, knowing the deep secrets of the currents of the air. This makes it the perfect name for this pose, holding such mysteries in the intricate pattern that it offers, each position unlocked slowly through my concentration and willingness to repeat my effort through each mistake and fall. 

with this pose there is no failure.

just secrets of mind and body revealed. 

but only if I listen.

I'm doing my best not to rush into more advanced postures right now, taking as much time to heal as needed, yet still tentatively reaching for that edge of a challenge. Garudasana is perfect for this moment, offering a deep stretch through my upper body while building strength and poise in my legs. More so, it's that one-pointed focus that I adore, an energetic concentration that effect my spirit deeply. I need to be full present to this asana, repeated bringing my attention to every detail without ignoring the overall quality of the pose. 

for it's completion, everything most be perfect.

if only for an instant,

a breath

and that's just enough for my surrender...

coasting on the currents of air, grace, and mystery. 


Peace, Eric 

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