Saturday, September 28, 2024

Smallest Act

Smallest act: 

how easy it is to be kind, it's a natural, instinctive urge to cooperate with others, and yet it's now been stifled and less expressed through the age of social media. It's easier to be clever and cruel apparently, or at least it sometimes seems that way. But we can reverse the trend, returning to the easiest path of kindness and extending love to others. 

it's just one mindful act away.

repeated often.

until the world is changed.

here's the thing, we believe that social media keeps us anonymous, our true self hidden from others, and that we're able to get away with just a little bit of cruelty. But in actuality we're really more exposed, our masks slip aside and the world sees the fear of our projections. Every mindless act is the ego's stance of separation, a yell for recognition at how special we believe we are. It's also a cry for help, asking someone, anyone, for the smallest act of kindness so the facade of cruelty can be laid aside. So with this, each gesture of love we offer in return to others is an opportunity to heal the world.

one person at a time. 

repeated often.

even if it seems to take forever.

but in reality, one person healed, one small gesture of love returned against pettiness and cruelty - completely mends a fractured world. We just don't see it yet. That's the nature of faith, knowing that the small takes care of the large, one person represents the whole, and that eternity of found right now. There's no other place, no other others.

and so the smallest act of kindness -

heals the world.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Forgiven World

Also, please visit to buy: Seven Games of Life

Thank you. 

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