Monday, September 23, 2024

A Different Way

A different way:

here's the tough one, and it's still not easy for me to answer or explain - how do we forgive the truly unforgivable, those horrendous acts that so often occur against each other, violence and war? And the answer is, that we don't, it's beyond us, we're not yet at that level of being able to forgive. 

or, at least, I'm not.

but I'm willing to surrender it to something or some that is. 

what's asked for, prayed for really, is the grace of this surrender, that we can turn the whole matter, whatever it might be, over to God. We pray to see the event or person in a different light altogether, one that is untainted by our own perceptions. 

a return to innocence. 

of course it's difficult, no one has ever said that forgiveness is easy. Not at first at least. But that's only because we're addicted to a certain way of thinking, we're addicted to the fear and guilt that's so deep within the mind that we're hardly aware that it exists at all. Yet our addictions run the entire show, our world is seen though the lens of fear, projected outward and showing us a life that's filled with all sorts of unforgivable things. And as it is with all addictions, the only way to truly heal is to surrender to the grace of a higher power - a force of love existing beyond the ego. 

forgiveness is always of the spirit. 

so that's what we ask for...


and through this, 

we see the world a different way/


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Teach Only Love

Also, please visit to buy: Perfect

Thank you. 

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