Friday, May 3, 2024

Ever Closer

Ever closer:

slowly, slowly, I make my way towards sunlight, or really, it's the dawn that travels ever closer to me, with each morning a slight increment of light gained. Throughout winter I've walked in near darkeness, being several hours before the first hint of dawn. As spring approached the cycle of light began to lean in my direction, barely noticable at first, but eventually gaining momentum to reach me. I'm now walking in a lighter shade of morning, not yet true dawn, but ever closer to its arrival. 

my morning hours just a bit brighter. 

most truly though, I love every expression of early morning, darkness and light both belonging to the start of my day. In yogic terms this the hour of Brahma, not really a measure of time, but a quality of light that has a certain magic to it, the quietness of a new beginning, a time of prayer and self-reflection. In winter I bundle up and brace myself for the cold, almost always a sharp wind cuutting through each layer. This is the season of endurance, bearing whatever the weather offers and accepting myself in darkness. There's a price to be paid for walking in winter and I'm willing to endure it. 

eventually, I know...

the light of dawn comes ever closer.

It's almost here now, arrivning in first hint midway through my walk and coming into full display just as I near home. Soon, I'll step outside to true dawn, greeted by light as I begin walking. That promise is still some time away right now, perhaps a month or so, and then after, ever closer, darkness gains in its advantage. It's how things world. 

being the lesson of these early hours.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Heart-Center 

Also, please visit to buy: Jain Way of Life 

Thank you.

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