Thursday, June 23, 2022



it doesn't seem like a hard problem at all, although I guess an explanation that alludes scientific and philosophical minds alike will be considered a quest worthy to pursue for sometime to come - but I wonder if it's worth the effort, if any explanation will be meaningful in anyway. The easy problem, as far as science is concerned, is the physical system and how it's capable of discerning information, being wired for a conscious experience to occur but never truly knowing why it is we have an experience at all. Why do we know the world the way we do?

the hard problem is always why.

and of course where - is the origin of consciousness purely physical, a chemical process that happens through a certain arrangement of matter that somehow comes to know itself as aware? That's the materialist view and as of now probably backed by the majority of scientist. Some philosophers and even many neuroscientist take a more nuanced view of consciousness and matter being linked to experience, that one can't occur without the presence of another. We have experiences because we're conscious and that consciousness itself is part of the every object we experience. 

mystics say that everything is consciousness.

mostly, I find myself a mystic, but I think more so in the traditional sense of the word, that it's all a great mystery to be explored and yet never really known. For me, as far as my philosophy is concerned, it really doesn't really seem a problem. Or even an issue. That I experience anything at all is truly a miracle and how it occurs is equally so in its miraculous expression. To think that particles consisting largely of empty space form an energetic structure, an object, that somehow, eventually knows itself as life - that's an amazing event worthy of the title holy. 

and so for me, it's not an issue to debate, not a problem at all and certainly not a hard one - I am conscious, alive, and miraculously I am away that this is so. I have no cause to consider how or even why this came to be and leave that to greater minds of philosophy and science to figure. Every answer that they offer is equally a miracle, life will always be a holy occurrence, never less than an astonishment of riches through each moment of awareness. 

it's not a problem at all.

being holy, 

no matter how it came to be.


Peace, Eric 

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