Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Morning Reveals Itself

Morning reveals itself: 

morning reveals itself to me in its hours just before dawn, and every part of me respond to its hushed tones, my breath matched to its quiet motion, heartbeat even paced and slow in its rhythm, my thoughts are few, subtle, passing without the fanfare of my attention. I find myself meditating before I even reach my cushion, as if pulled to a more significant silence than my own. 

perhaps it's only myself revealed, with these early hours simply being the gift of my reflection, and I become more fully alive within the silence that they offer. What seems true is that it's a quite seamless revelation, listening to the morning silence and I only hear life in its first stir of another day arriving, feeling its pulse as my own, a single body in a slow stretch towards the coming light. 

morning reveals itself in unexpected ways.

it's in these hours that I'm most restful, more truly myself in the quiet hold of dawn than any other time throughout the day. Morning reveals itself as my original and true nature, this significant silence that allows the motion of the world to unfold through the moments of my listening, and with every sound being a portion of my soul in the form of early song. 

morning reveals itself as mantra.

and that it's all vibration, this being why my meditation starts from first moment of awakening, earlier still, that I am pulled awake by the vibrational qualities of these morning hours, asked to join myself in their silence before the proper start of day. My mantra vibrates as the dawn, light in a slow reveal through darkness, a seamless point of silence and sound meeting in the earliest morning birdsong. It's all revealed to me, no, more truly so, it's all revealed as my own awakening.

morning reveals itself to me...

my light being true dawn. 

and every hour is my awakening. 


Peace, Eric 

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