Friday, June 10, 2022

Continuous In It's Forgiveness

Continuous in its forgiveness: 

 that we're always forgiving, happening at once, and with each moment found innocent of any past notion of injury or harm, immediate in the healing that it offers. It's just the way of life, having already accepted whatever circumstances appear and now moving in a new direction, continuous in its forgiveness. This too is how we proceed, even as the mind clings to past behavior, blame, and hurt caused by words and the actions of others, we move on, carried by life through its motion. 

continuous in its forgiveness.

and so with this we see that any act of forgiveness is really only a ritual of intent and design, one meant to cause our surrender to what the present moment holds, a reclaim of innocence, and a return to our original healing nature. We are rejoined to life's flow, continuous too now, and free of any claims the past attempts to hold us to. This isn't about forgetting, nor is it letting go of any lessons learned from our previous engagements, we're wiser in this moment, insightful, clear, and our surrender is to the wisdom accumulated by our motion, gaining experience even as our innocence is reclaimed. 

continuous in our own forgiveness too.

of course no ritual is ever really needed, it's just a tool of recognition, reminding us of our own forgiving nature, that are already and always immediately healed of past harm. Yes, scars exist, this isn't a denial of any previous hurt, nor is it a refusal to accept our current sorrows. But healing only and always takes place in the immediacy of right now, each moment is our innocence regained, fresh in its potentiality, free in its offering of new choices to be made. The truth is that we've already forgiven any issues of the past, we're continuous in our healing, always in motion...



Peace, Eric 

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