Sunday, June 26, 2022

Beautiful Description

materialism fascinates me in an almost magical way, indeed, perhaps of the many views of mind and nature it's the most magical thinking of all, almost proof really, that something truly holy is going on here. By this I don't mean the notion of God in any organizing sense, but more of an inherent sense of some intelligent intent deep within the material of the world, that somehow matter is drawn to give life, and more so, giving rise to our awareness of it all. Materialism is a beautiful description of reality, an explanation of my existence just as fascinating as if something holy were involved. 

not being a philosopher nor a scientist, my consideration of this topic is purely of my own speculation, and is really no more of an exercise of creative morning writing. I have no stake in being right or wrong in any philosophical point of view, and although my own tendency of thought leans towards a more consciousness first and perhaps only school, I'm more truly unattached to any theory of the world. The summary of my only real philosophy is that I surely don't know anything for certain concerning the mystery of the world. 

but I write for my own enjoyment, whatever current subject holds my fascination, and this morning the play of matter seems to be on my mind, materialism, that the chemical reaction of an object leads to the creation of my reality, in how I perceive the world, the very thought that I'm aware of my existence. Some are disturbed by this view, holding consciousness itself as being first and crucial to reality. Many feel that materialism is an argument against the proof of God. Yet really, it's just another beautiful description, another means of explanation to the universe at large. That matter, itself being broken down to smaller and ever smaller particles of creation, consisting mainly of a vast expanse of emptiness, somehow gathers in a way to gain a sense of self- awareness. It's a miracle worthy of being holy, a coincidence of particles leading to the current stream of our reality. 

materialism is no less miraculous than if  it was a plan of God. 

not that I'm saying there's a God involved, reality in this way doesn't need the myth of a creator, it's divine in it's own way and means of self-creation. My own view is that everything is cause for curiosity and wonder, it's a grace filled world of mystery, beauty, spontaneous and random in its nature. I have no need to add a personal belief as to how it all unfolds. I simply don't know how any of this evolved, not even this very moment of my consideration. It all seems spontaneous in origin and appearance to me, and the consideration of materialism only adds to this sense of awe and wonder. 

it's just another beautiful description. 

even if it's so. 

or otherwise, too. 


Peace, Eric 

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