Saturday, June 11, 2022



it's always better to let words find me, allowing them to arrive on their own without my chase for theme or inspiration. My preference is to write early in the morning, just after meditation, and I feel relaxed and open to receive the world. It seems a magical time to me, from first moment of awakening the day appears ready made for me to be alive, noting the ease of breath and how everything I need for just this moment is present right now, and that life appears completely on its own without any demand for its arrival. 


why should writing be any different? 

words arrive, they always do, and the only question is if I'm content in the silence of my waiting, willing to allow words to find me without my interference offered. I've learned to love this silence, no matter how long, a pause between words and inspiration that seems so filled with the potentiality of all that could ever be written. It's impossible to rush this, and would disturb the sacredness of the pause to even try. It's always better to let words find me. 

a poet learns how to sit in silence.

words will always arrive.

completely on their own.

in this sense, every word ever written is spontaneous in appearance, and that a writer's quick claim of ownership will simply mask the moment of their inspiration. It seems better to not take credit all for their arrival, that my contribution is of patience and the artful arrange of words given. This too is how life proceeds, inspired, spontaneous, sacred in pause as well as motion. I am not the author here, not of these words, nor of how life appears through every moment. 

it's all a gift.


somehow now arriving. 


Peace, Eric 

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