Tuesday, June 28, 2022

It's All Geometry

It's all geometry: 

it's all geometry, nature, life, this ongoing process of putting structure to space, and being a sacred arrangement of form within its own inherent emptiness. Before going to far with this I should say that I know little of geometry, sacred or otherwise, any form of math beyond simple arithmetic seemed almost beyond my capacity to learn and what I did learn quickly left my mind as soon as school was over. So there won't be any deep math involved here, I'm just a poet after all, musing, simply offering my own view and portrayal of the world. 

what I see is nature in arrangement, patterns, and that it all relates to space, emptiness, deeply so and more than eyes alone may recognize. Although with this I could be wrong, as perhaps eyes are first in recognizing the sacred lines of nature, and it's later then the mind that translates everything seen into the material world. Really, I don't know the order, and I'm not sure it matters, the seeing that I'll talk of here is of first sight, innocent of beliefs, before logic enters into thought, before even thought is entertained, and everything is seen in pure geometric structure, emptiness appearing as the realm of form. 

it's all geometry.

what makes this sacred is that the world appears so perfectly designed, not by divine hand but by it's own self-creation, nature in it's own arrangement, that everything solid is in truth emptiness in a slow vibration as form, and what we're really most truly seeing is space lending itself to the patterns of the world. Every line seen within nature is less a border than it is a true continuation of emptiness in seamless its trade as the appearance of form, sacred geometry at play. 

it's amazing to consider, and even more so to realize, that we are part of this grand design, a pattern within infinite patterns of display. And that it's all one thing in various vibrations, qualities of design for every function, and a universe of endless space and structure. There are no true lines that signify a pattern's separation, form is dependent upon space to give it structure and the appearance of order. Yet it's all geometry, sacred, spaciousness allowing itself as form. 

that's as mathematical as my mind will allow, not really meant to follow any line of logic, and that's what leads me to a more open, sacred view of nature, seeing everything from my original perspective, first sight, innocent of all beliefs, and just before the mind sets the world to a specific order. It's the geometry of natural appearance, space and form without true lines, and yet somehow patterns  seamlessly emerge. 

that's what makes it sacred.


Peace, Eric 

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