Friday, March 11, 2022

Workable Theories

Workable theories:

 really, it seems we know very little of the world, of actual experience, and not the information provided by sources far removed from their reality as well. There are many well meaning people who offer us nothing but their own inherited beliefs, thinking that this is how life should be, unquestioned, and simply accepted as true and always so. These are our parents, teachers, and clergy, all wishing us the best, but seldom pausing to consider the information they pass on. What we're given are stories, workable theories presented as facts, and some will serve us well. Yet everything we learn is meant to be questioned, examined, weighed against our own test of life. 

it's all a story in some way, everything, even science in it's sacred quest for answers is meant to be proven wrong, expanded upon, it's story added to in meaning and important way. Science is about workable theories, and no great scientist simply accepted dogma as any ultimate belief that's not meant to be questioned and explored. It should be no different for religion and most especially for any personal spirituality that we may choose to base our life upon. Our inquiry should always be a test of our experience against values believed to be true, nothing dismissed at first, but examined, explored thoroughly through the light of our own direct recognition of what's so. 

and even then it's just a story.

we can't escape stories, there will always be our own translation of experiences and meaningful events that seem so sure and true. Our role is to accept them all as workable theories, a story meant to be told for that moment alone and nothing more. Perhaps in sharing a particular story someone else will begin an exploration for their own version of our reported view, arriving to their own revelation, another story told for just that one moment. Everything is told through filters, inquiry and meditation reduces these filters to more subtle roles, stories are more personal now, an intimate telling of what we truly are, yet stories still and always. 

so these are our workable theories, everything, each moment and experience, not simply believed but lived as our own version of what might be so, a partial story of a life that's still unfolding, expanding, unbound and infinite through imagination and possibilities. 

our story is never final, never fully told...

it's all just workable theories. 


Peace, Eric 

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