Sunday, March 20, 2022



that it's so ordinary, resting in this awareness, awake to my own absence as well as at once to my very own fulfillment, a heart sutra of emptiness and form in full review revealed with every glance. This is how I see the world, and yet it's often overlooked, forgotten in favor of a more mundane view, as if miracles weren't occurring all around me, life constantly showing itself through its every varied form, and all of it seamlessly appearing from an allowing void of possibilities. That all this is so commonplace as to be mistaken for anything less than miraculous is a testament to the ordinary nature of this view, an every moment occurrence of what should always induce a sense of awe. 

and yet it's simply life, ordinary, happening at once and all the time.

this is why I love the headless way practice, literally pointing to my absence and watching the world spring forth from this seeming void. The miraculous is always available to be witnessed, watching mystery unfold in common form and the everyday details of the world. It's amazing to see my part in this, my role as capacity, empty, and yet somehow awake to my own potential to be filled and overflowed with all of life. It's an amazing part of my everyday life, an easy pause and meditation of seeing how ordinary the truly miraculous occurs through every moment. 

it's a simple practice, to point at any object and retrace the view to the source which holds it - nothing special has to be done here, no mantra chanted, nor energy reawakened. Just notice what's absent, that eyes will never find themselves within their own view, our faces only seen by others, and searching here, exactly where our head should be - we only see the universe unfolding, life occurring through the void of who we really are. But we're truly not missing from this at all, we belong here too as our own ordinary appearance, another aspect showing through the miraculous manifestation of the world. Nothing is out of place, life flows perfectly even as what we once believed to be mistakes. 

it's all so ordinary.

and not at all, as well. 

it's exactly how we see the world. 


Peace, Eric 

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