Wednesday, March 9, 2022



my own insights are gathered from infinite and inner fields of a sure reality of experience, a certain knowing of how my mind unfolds within and as the world. Meditation opens me to a greater understanding of my life and how everything fits in seamless order, insights on the very nature of existence seem to come spontaneously through a silent fashion. 

and of course I am completely wrong in my understanding of it all, a misinterpretation is told of these subtle and quiet points of consciousness. Words simply don't belong here, not appearing once through such layers of deep and utter silence. Only later does a story appear and label this an experience, assigning greater meaning and importance to the innocence of  just sitting and accepting the world as it unfolds through the quiet wonder of my mind. 

honestly, I have no idea as to what's going on, not in any meaningful way of sharing at least, what's certain and true for me could prove to be completely wrong for others. We all offer our misinterpretations of silence to each other, insights meant to guide become dogma, certainty replaces our natural curiosity and wonder. Meditation is a singular act of coming to a seamless place of understanding, there is a revelation through the stillness of the mind that won't be told with words, and no poet ever truly captures the pureness of this silence. It's impossible, and yet worthy of a poet's effort. 

but none of it is to be believed.

really, it's similar to science, insights gathered are a working theory of my own best understanding of my inner world and how it all unfolds to this particular point of living. What seemed so sure and true to me once has now been replaced with growing certainty that I truly don't know anything at all, and this is exactly how it's meant to be. All I have are working theories to guide me through specific times, never to be held past the moment that they're given. My insights belong to me alone, shared, but only for the sake of language, poetry, an attempt to offer beauty through my own misinterpretation.

don't believe a single word.


Peace, Eric 

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