Friday, March 4, 2022

A Little Bit Easier

A little bit easier: 

it's all a little bit easier, life, or at least it seems to be - and that's been the lasting and happy effect of meditation, self inquiry, and simply resting in each moment as it presents itself to me. More so, life is not the least bit altered through its approach, nor is my response to what it offers. There is still good fortune and what's judged bad, events that serve in productive ways, as well things gone wrong. Everything belongs exactly as it does, and what I find now is that there's a deep relaxation with this, that my response fits in seamless order too, belonging entirely to the moment itself, and no need to carry it beyond occurrence. It's all a little bit easier, and not because my life is somehow different than before, but only because I allow myself to belong exactly as I am, no matter what the moment holds. 

of course this is just a bit misleading, saying that I allow myself to belong is claiming way too much responsibility to my role. The truth is that there's only allowing, and that I am not the one who nods acceptance to what appears, denying some and refusing what's not pleasing, again it's all allowed, everything, and my only realization was that I belonged within this order, my every response, mistakes as well as my most cherished accomplishments, all part of this allowing. 

none of it is personal.

life is a little bit easier now, and only because I'm relaxed to how I respond within its flow, knowing that no true mistakes occur that hold me to the past or reflects to future. Karma is always found present, altering even as the moment happens. I am reminded of the recovery movement's concept of making amends, and see this as not an effort to fix the past, nor even to seek forgiveness, moving forward with an eased conscious - amends are made in order to accept the present moment, healing is always and only taking place now or not ever at all. 

seeing this, that life itself holds no grudges, and that everything is allowed simply by virtue of appearance, by presence alone, and that none of this is responsive to my demands nor prayers for things to be other than they are right now. What makes life just a little bit easier is seeing how even my prayers and demands belong within their moment. Nothing has to change, but it will, it's changing now, life being nothing but motion, fluid, and always allowing in its flow. 

just seeing this, and it's all a little bit easier. 



Peace, Eric 

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