Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Sometimes I write

Sometimes I write:

sometimes I write simply for the rhythm of the words, for the motion of fingers across the keyboards and then the pause that always seems follow after just a bit of writing - this is where words come to gather, arriving from wherever they were moments just before, and somehow inspired to appear, now belong completely to the page. 

with this I know that I am not the real author here. I am not the originator of these words, nor creator of their rhythm and flow. I am just part of the process of writing, essential to its motion, poetry in essence too. It's all a seamless expression of whatever wishes to be told, a momentary story with no true meaning until assigned by any reader. With this I am granted the freedom to write without care of any outcome, a grace given to belong fully to the expression and not make claims of being the author. 

sometimes I write simply to remember this.

the question often asked, is who than is the author? And I'm lost with my reply, their is no sole ownership here, no point in claiming motion, nor any inspiration that's received. Writing happens, words appear, and I am fortunate to somehow be a part of it all. That's truly all I know of this, of anything really, life - that it all happens as a gift, grace, and we're all included in its process. Anything more to say is a story for someone else to tell, another writer's inspiration. 

sometimes I write to simply disappear.

it becomes a meditation of sort, a repeated mantra of changing words through every moment, a sutra of poetry and rhythm. In this I disappear within its flow, being just motion and pause, hearing words without identity of listener, everything belonging exactly and only as it appears without label. That's the magic, being truly of the process and unconcerned of final outcome. Sometimes I write solely for this reason, to remember myself as purely magic, an appearance too within the world, a temporary story with a life of ever shifting meaning, and told by infinite authors. 

yes, I write simply for the magic of it all.


Peace, Eric 

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